Monday, September 22, 2008

Potty Training

Annika is 2 now, and its time to start potty training soon...and I have no clue as to where to begin. Anyone know of any good resources for this kind of thing?

We had her 2 year check up today. it went well. she's 27 lbs and 35 inches tall...55th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for height. i feel like she just keeps getting taller and skinnier too. i have a feeling that she's going to be tall like her mom and dad.


Tisha Alexander said...

My best advice is to wait till she is ready. I have tried to push potty training on my 2 youngest and it just didn't happen until they were ready. So if she doesn't catch on at first, don't stress out. She maybe not ready. With her being a girl, you may not have any problem and I hope that is the case! :)
Happy Birthday!!!

elizabeth said...

Well, I'm no expert on child rearing (seeing that I don't even have a pet!), but I do occasionally watch "Jon and Kate + Eight." And, I can tell you what Kate did.

She would make a big celebration when the kids used the potty. She'd praise the kids by taking pictures of it.

I'm honestly not so sure about that technique. It might get a little awkward when people come to visit and you've got pictures of your kid's poopie on the refrigerator.