Monday, September 22, 2008

Potty Training

Annika is 2 now, and its time to start potty training soon...and I have no clue as to where to begin. Anyone know of any good resources for this kind of thing?

We had her 2 year check up today. it went well. she's 27 lbs and 35 inches tall...55th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for height. i feel like she just keeps getting taller and skinnier too. i have a feeling that she's going to be tall like her mom and dad.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

where were you?

7 years ago i was in my cubicle at work when we had heard that the first tower had gone down. we all went downstairs to the fitness center in the building in time to see the 2nd one go down. it was probably one of the erie-est time's of my life. for several days there were no plane's flying over the city. i hadn't realized before then how normal it was to see planes in the air there.

4 years ago today. i got married to my amazing husband. he meets my needs in so many ways. i love him so much.

2 years ago today we had a 5 day old baby. we were excited to take some time to go to arby's for lunch while dan's mom watched her.

today. we go to work as normal. there's less on the tv about 9-11 than 5 years ago. it just becomes another day in history. a tragic day...but a day none the less. while it seemed like such a huge deal at the time, 9-11 becomes just another day in history. it reminds me of how big this world is and how big God is. i don't know why he lets things happen, but i do know that He loves me and i want to bring all the glory to him.

that's what it is all about...bringing glory to God. knowing that he is in control and that I don't have to be. trusting him with my entire life. and finding God in everything and every situation.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


There's something to be said for having a day off in the middle of the week and hanging out with your daughter all day. We're going to the dentist this afternoon, and hopefully annika will be good and behave and not be too's my appointment, not hers.

I've been feeling very disenchanted with life lately. especially with my job. it's rough to go every day, knowing that this isn't what God created you to do, and knowing that there's more to life than looking forward to the weekends. We were camping over Labor day weekend with a group of friends, and several of them are teachers. They had just had the whole summer off and were just going back to school a couple days later, and were already counting down the days till next summer. It really bothered me. I don't want to become the type of person who just longs for their next day off, yet here i am looking forward to next Sunday.

I know that the Lord will provide me something else when I need it. In the meantime I keep searching for where I'm supposed to fit in to life in this world. and praying for the right opportunity. and applying for jobs that will fit my personality better. and allow me to spend more time with annika.
on the up side, i am now the parent of a 2 year old, who talks all day long and tires me out...but she sure does bring joy to my life.